Sunday 2 January 2011


Born survivors: Kizzy Sex, Prams and Exams
Nine short films co-created by the Media Trust and young people across the country telling their own personal stories of survival.
In the first series of Born Survivors, viewers watched Kizzy Neal's transformation from a carefree teenager to, with her family's help, a responsible single mum at 14. One year on the cameras return to follow Kizzy's extraordinary progress, learning how she's become a full-blown mother to son Kaylib while taking her own first steps towards independence.                          Kizzy: Sex, Prams and Exams


Teen Mum High

Documentary, made by award-winning Films of Record, which looks at life in a pupil referral unit for school age girls (under-16s) who are either pregnant or have recently become a mum.
Episode image for Teen Mum HighWith a crèche where the girls can leave their babies, it's not a typical high school. It's one of a small number of specialist pupil referral units around the UK for school girls who choose not to terminate their pregnancies or for whom termination isn't an option.

These two BBC documentaries show that there is an audience for a radio drama about teen pregnancy and that there are many options and differences between each teen pregnancy.