Thursday 17 March 2011


Tracy Freeland is a thirteen-year-old girl who just wants to fit in. To do so she must make friends with the most popular girl in the 7th grade ... Evie Zamora. It's not as easy as it sounds when Evie peer pressures Tracy into doing things such as stealing, drugs, piercings, and sex-- far from the Tracy everybody seems to know. But as Evie and Tracy's friendship gets closer, Tracy's old self drifts farther and farther away from her family and neighborhood friends where it's up to her mother to finally step in.

thirteen is an unflinching exploration of this time of life.  Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood) is a young, gawky, studious, sort of nerdy girl.  An outcast in the social circles in her new junior high school, she is nonetheless thoughtful, smart, responsible and loving to her family.  

Holly Hunter (mother in film) is quietly heartbreaking as a helpless mother seeing her child spinning out of control and having no idea how to cope with it.

links to my play

it links as the film looks gives an honest and contemporary look at the modern teenager.
my play is about the troubles and issues some teens experience for example teen pregnancy.
it also explores the relationship and friendship between two teenage girls. even though in this film the teens are rebellious the theme of friendship links to my play and gives a realistic view into teen friendships.
it also explroes the strained relationship between a mother and a rebellious daughter or teen that acts out. this links to my play as the relationship between motehr and daughter in it is complicated and in my play you see the tension in their relationship as you do in this film.