Wednesday 3 November 2010

Idea 3
As teenage pregnancy is such a big issue in this country and because single mothers and benefits have been in the news lately I came up with the idea of a radio play that follows a teen pregnancy.

It would be about An  18 year old girl who becomes pregnant who has to put her career plans on hold when she finds out. She will be a single mother and will have minimal support from her family who disapprove.
The play would explore her life and what she feels through her pregnancy.

The research i did to help me and give me more of an idea included films and radio plays with similar content.
 The radio play ties in as she is pregnant in an unexpected time of her life and so is the girl in the play as she has to put her career on hold and has little support. i also researched some statistics and information about teen pregnancy.
 The UK has the highest teenage birth rates in Western Europe - twice as high as in Germany, three times as high as in France and six times as high as in the Netherlands.
Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom is a long-standing social phenomenon in the UK. The only other western country with comparable teenage pregnancy rates is the United States. Teenage pregnancy is higher in more economically-deprived areas.
A report in 2002 found that around half of all conceptions to under 18s was concentrated among the 30% most deprived population. With only 14% occurring among the 30% least deprived.

Also, the film Juno, mom at 16 and fifteen and pregnant all tie in and show the events that happen in the girls’ lives when they find out they are pregnant. Juno gives her baby away at the end and the others are different as well.
As well as that TV shows like 16 and pregnant, teen mom and underage and pregnant all feature teen pregnancies. They are all reality TV shows done as a documentary style. Two are American and one is on the BBC but they contain information about real girls who have children young. It documents their lives and experiences. In America they especially focus on  teenage pregnancy and make reality TV out of it. Another program called Teen Moms is coming on MTV soon. This could link to my play if i decide to structure it like one of these reality shows but do it as a radio play with focus on her feelings and experiences.