Teen pregnancy is one of the most difficult experiences a young person might ever face when it interrupts school or other plans. It can create an emotional crisis resulting in feelings of shame and fear, and it may appear that you will crumble under pressures in your environment. The stress of how you are going to break this news to your parents might be even greater, and finding help may seem an impossible task.
Abortion -One of the reasons a woman may opt for abortion is to be free from the burden of raising a child. Time, circumstances, finances, and emotional health may leave them unprepared to consider a pregnancy.
Others may feel pregnancy is an inconvenience. Younger women may consider that they haven't completed their education and realize they still have their whole lives ahead of them. Some feel it will take too much to give a child up for adoption; plus, they are not willing to carry the child for 9 months and go through delivery.
Women who give in to the idea of abortion are often pressured into it by their partners. In many cases, these women find it difficult to choose the life of their child over their partner.
Post-depression in teens
Symptoms include –
Panic attacks and anxiety, Feeling physically ill and having physical symptoms
Thoughts that you will harm your child or another member of your family either accidentally or deliberately. Feelings that you are a 'bad' mother or a 'bad' person.
A feeling of great sadness and a feeling that since the baby, life is not worth living and nothing gives you joy, not even your new baby. A feeling of numbness and lack of emotion - which also might extend to a lack of feeling for your baby.
Research shows that post natal depression could be an issue in teens after giving birth and without the support of a partner or a family it could be worse and go unnoticed for a long time. This issue could be explored in my play and it links because she has no support and is a single mother too.
Teenage father
Teen pregnancy can also be hard on teen fathers. The pregnancy can strain their relationships with their girlfriend and with their parents. And teen fathers do not go as far in school and make less money when they get in the job market than teens that do not father children. Even though they are young, they have to face up to adult responsibilities like supporting the mother emotionally and financially during her pregnancy and helping to raise their child. They are financially responsible for their children until their children turn 18.

Teen fathers earn less over time than men who have children at an older age. Over time, teen fathers earn 10 to 15 percent less annually than male teens who wait to have children.
Teen fathers are more likely to get involved with criminal behaviour, including alcohol and drug abuse, and drug dealing.